Internationals Super Rugby Misc FAQs Guestbook Admin Account


Subscribing to the full set of pick&go stats

How to register

Because this whole paywall thing is new, the current registration process is manual. I am using PayPal to handle the subscription payments.

To subscribe, you don’t need a
PayPal account, but if you have one it will make the payment process a bit easier and more secure.

To initiate registration email me ( the following 3 details:

  • your name

  • the email address that you are sending this email from (you must send me the email from this email address as I will be replying to you on it).

  • the subscription period that you would like (either one month or one year):

  •     Subscriptions are either $6.90/single month or $69/year (2 months free).
        The currency is New Zealand dollars (2 x $NZ roughly equates to 1 x £GBP).

    Note that if you choose monthly, you will need to repeat the above process each month so that I can renew your sub.

    Once I receive your email, I will request payment for your subscription via PayPal. You will receive an email from PayPal for the amount that you’ve chosen to subscribe to.

    The body of the PayPal email will look something like this:

    Please make the payment as requested.

    Once you have paid, PayPal will notify me (no need to notify me yourself).

    I will then set you up as a subscribed user in pickandgo and will email you your logon details by replying to the email address that you registered with.

    Hang on...p&g used to be free. Why are you asking us to pay?

    As some of you will be aware, when the annoying plague first swept the planet back in 2020, I stopped updating the stats on the original pick&go site.

    At that time, the site was 15 years old and needed a major coding overhaul to keep it maintainable. I'd always hoped I'd get the time to bring pick&go up-to-date and now I have... but it has been quite a costly exercise.

    Apart from modernising the look and feel of p&g, I've added hundreds of missing international and super rugby results, added a dozen new trophies that are now tracked between countries, enhanced existing features like the raeburn shield, added new features such as sum by year or decade and the rankings predictor.
    I've also rewritten large parts of the system to make it easier to maintain going forwards.

    The p&g landing pages and super rugby tables for the current year will continue to be free but links to some of the detailed stats pages will be restricted to subscribed users

    I'm a one-man-band.
    I've provided 15+ years of ad-free stats but in order to keep it running, I now need to charge a small amount per user.
    $6/month is the price of a cup of coffee.
    Shout me a cup of coffee each month and I'll continue providing you with heaps of useful rugby stats.

    Thanks for your support.


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